The Lottie Element lets you import any Lottie file and display using this element. 

An animated file format called a Lottie, which is based on JSON, makes it simple to ship animations across all platforms. These are compact files that may be scaled upward or downward without pixelation and are compatible with all devices.

Content Options

Lottie File


Source Type

Choose the type of source for your Lottie file.

Lottie URL

Enter the link of your Lottie file.


Link To

Enter the link of the website you want to redirect your visitors to if they click the Lottie animation.

Lottie Settings


Choose the type of trigger for the animation of your Lottie file.


You can enable this option if you want to loop your Lottie animation.

Use Number of Loops

You can enable this option if you want to loop your Lottie animation a certain number of times.

Number of Loop

Enter the number to set several times the Lottie animation will loop.


You can enable this option if you want to reverse the animation of the loop from end to start.

Enter the number to set the strolling speed of the image.